

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Chocolate Molten Cakes

These are everything that the restaurants claim. They are super simple, despite what it may seem. I would like to apologize for the bad quality of these pictures, but I was having a last minute craving so what could I do? I just decided to make them after it was dark outside. I apologize, but hopefully the recipe will make up for it!

First, butter or use canola oil spray to coat the ramekins. Then coat them in flour.
Second, crack the eggs, and the egg yolks.
Beat until pale yellow and foamy, I recommend a mixer for this or you will have very tired arms.
Next, measure the chocolate.
Get one stick of butter and melt the chocolate.
I recommend cutting up the butter because it will melt faster and more evenly.
Now you have smooth chocolate.
Add the chocolate and FLOUR, to the egg mixture. Do not forget the flour.
Make sure to incorporate it very quickly, or you will end up with cooked eggs. Once some of the chocolate is incorporated, the ratio of egg to chocolate should be enough so that the eggs do not cook.
Divide it evenly among the four floured ramekins. Now it is time to cook them.
When they are done, they are slightly cakey, but you don't want them to cook all the way through, or you will lose the whole point of "molten" chocolate cakes.
Voila! Chocolate molten cake!
If you decide to turn it out onto a plate, I may suggest cooking it a little more so that the side hold together. Or you can just have a messy cake. I like lots of pudding goodness. You just made a chocolate molten cake! Congrats.

  1.        1 stick (4 ounces) unsalted butter
    1. 6 ounces semisweet/bittersweet chocolate
    2. 2 eggs
    3. 2 egg yolks
    4. 1/4 cup sugar
    5. Pinch of salt
    6. 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
    1. Preheat the oven to 450°. Butter and lightly flour four 6-ounce ramekins. Tap out the excess flour. Set the ramekins on a baking sheet.
    2. In a double boiler, over simmering water, melt the butter with the chocolate. In a medium bowl, beat the eggs with the egg yolks, sugar and salt at high speed until thickened and pale.
    3. Whisk the chocolate until smooth. Quickly fold it into the egg mixture along with the flour. Spoon the batter into the prepared ramekins and bake for 12 minutes, or until the sides of the cakes are firm but the centers are soft. Let the cakes cool in the ramekins for 1 minute, then cover each with an inverted dessert plate. Carefully turn each one over, let stand for 10 seconds and then unmold. Serve immediately.
    MAKE AHEAD- The batter can be refrigerated for several hours; bring to room temperature before baking.

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