

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Roasted Tomato Flatbread

This flat bread is like a pizza, without tomato sauce! But I guess that is the definition of flat bread... Oh well you get what I am saying. This pizza has roasted tomatoes from my blog, basil, and French feta cheese! The basil is added on after the pizza is cooked, so it is not wilted.

Spread the tomatoes on the pizza dough. Then proceed to pour the olive oil over the tomatoes.
Next add the olives and the french feta cheese.
Put it in the oven on the pizza stone for about 10 minutes, or until the crust is puffed up and slightly brown, depending on crispy you want it.
Make sure you put it on the pizza stone with parchment under it (makes clean up 10 times easier!).
Now grab about 5 medium sized basil leaves, these are to chop up and put on the top.
Chop them up into thin strips, and sprinkle them over the top when the pizza comes out!

And pull it out when it is done.

Sprinkle the basil over the top of the flat bread, slice, and you have roasted tomato flat bread! The quantities of ingredients for this recipe really differ depending on how many toppings you like on your pizza.

1 batch Pizza Dough
French Feta Cheese
5 leaves of basil
Olive Oil

Preheat the oven to 500 F with the pizza stone in the oven. Roll out your pizza dough into a circle, about a foot in diameter. Move onto a cutting board or pizza peel with parchment paper. Brush the dough with olive oil so the flat bread is coated. Sprinkle the tomatoes over the dough, leaving about half an inch in between the tomatoes and the edge of the dough. Now sprinkle the french feta cheese over the top of the pizza.
Put into the oven and cook for about 10 minutes, checking on it constantly. Take out when it is slightly brown and the cheese may be a little brown. The best way to tell if it is done is the crust, which should be a little brown, or a lot depending on how you like it. Let in cool for a couple minutes, then cut and enjoy!

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