

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Chocolate Pudding Cake

I don't know what about chocolate pudding cake makes it so good, but I don't think anybody could resist it.
It is simply cake-like on top with molten pudding consistency on the bottom! It is like your perfect cake with built in frosting on the bottom.
First whisk together the dry ingredients.
Then, using my favorite stirring utensil, use a wooden spoon or spatula to combine the wet ingredients.
Now you put the batter in an UNGREASED pyrex dish. Next comes the more complicated part, the part that makes this cake a pudding cake.
Mix together the sugars and cocoa in a separate bowl and sprinkle evenly over the top of the batter.
Next pour water over the dry ingredients and do not mix, no matter how tempting.
It should look like this before you put it in the oven. I repeat, do not mix. Now put it in the oven VERY carefully and try not to spill.
Check to see that the top is hard and isn't jiggling wildly, or you will have pudding instead of pudding cake. It should not move from side to side.

Voila! Dessert is served! 

Prep Time:20 min

Inactive Prep Time:15 min
Cook Time:30 min
about 9 servings

Pudding Cake:
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 cup cocoa powder
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt
1/2 cup milk
1/3 cup butter, melted
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1 1/4 cups hot water

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

For the cake: Whisk together the sugar, flour, cocoa, baking powder and salt in a bowl. Whisk in the milk, butter and vanilla. Stir together until smooth with a wooden spoon or spatula.

Pour the batter into an ungreased 9-inch square baking pan. Use an offset spatula to level into pan.

For the topping: Whisk together the sugars and cocoa and sprinkle it evenly over the batter. Pour the hot water over the top, resist the temptation to stir it into the batter.

Bake about 30 minutes, you want the center to bubble and look almost set, almost like an undercooked brownie. Take out of the oven and let stand 15 minutes. Serve in dessert dishes, spooning sauce from bottom of pan over top. 

This recipe was altered from Food Network

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