

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Shishito/Padron Peppers

These are to die for, not to spicy, not too mild. Occasionally you will get caught by surprise, but thats why you start out with only a nibble. The hottest part of these peppers are the seeds near the stem, so if your nibble is almost unbearably hot, just nibble around the seeds or don't eat it if you are a spice wimp.

Shishito peppers originated in Japan, while Padron peppers originated in Spain. They both taste almost identical, but from our experience, the shishitos haven't been quite as spicy.
The final product!

First wash all of your peppers. Then put them in a bowl and toss them with about 1 teaspoon of olive oil (1 teaspoon per pint).
Now in a grill basket, grill until the peppers are charred, tossing them around every once and awhile.
When they are done be VERY careful because they will be super hot. Pour them into a bowl and sprinkle them with salt. 

Shishito/Padron peppers (however many you want, we usually do 2 pints for 4 pepper crazy people)
Olive Oil
Salt, to taste

Wash the peppers and then put them in a bowl. Toss with olive oil. Transfer to grill basket (over the sink for any extra oil or water that may have accumulated. Grill the peppers until charred slightly, as seen above. Put in serving bowl and dress with salt to taste. Enjoy!

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